
8 days with silence. If I’m not mistaken, it’s 8 days. But then, thousands unexplained words lingering in my mind and just waiting the time to be revealed. Here.

This post will be continuous, I guess-lah as many interesting stories captured tightly in my mind. Well said. Well motivated. Beyond your imaginations. Bet you to trust me!

Oh! I’m happy. Happy. And happy. I can write smoothly the reasons why, but I think it’s better to keep it secret. At least, not here. At least, not now. At least, it makes my lip perfectly curved. Concave in shape, sign of happiness whenever I’m sad, or weak, or angry.  I just need to rewind the moments! Euww!

Eh. Too tired to let my fingers keep on dancing. I have class tomorrow morning up to 5 pm, so better off now. (OFF ke kejap lagi? Macam tak je :P). I’ll update soon. Wait okay?

p/s: Rasa macam permanent nak tukar ke blog saya yang baru ni. Alaa, diarisenja.wordpress tu tukar pada blogspot. Boleh tak?

p/s/s: Ain! Keep strong! Kak Hud selalu ada, ingat tu!

~ oleh INFINITY di Februari 27, 2010.

2 Respons to “Silence”

  1. WordPress nampak lebih ok sebenarnya.


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